Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Here I am waiting. Waiting is dangerous though, because I think it implies a lack of control. It’s true that a feeling of lack of control causes stress.

So here’s what I’m waiting for
  • News of getting into the PR program
  • Videos to be put online from the Red Orange show on Friday
  • More pictures to be put online from the Red Orange show on Friday (I’m greedy for more)
  • The next Red Orange show
  • Trix to be returned to their fruity shape
  • The new Fleet Foxes album
  • True love

Wow. It’s interesting that thinking about how much I’m thinking about what I’m waiting for is showing me how much I’m wasting time waiting.

The reality, though, is that I’ve actively been pursuing all of the above. My pursuit has simply brought me to a waiting place. That’s how it goes.

I tweet now. Twitter. I can give any of you a good reason to use it. Challenge me, please.

Really, I don’t want to give you the impression that I just looove tweeting, because that's not how it is, and you would burn out quickly if you were trying to become an active tweeter just for the sake of becoming an active tweeter. It’s like me burning out on active blogging. Without a good reason to do it, it doesn’t happen- and probably shouldn’t.

Anyway- the reason Twitter is so excellent is because it is a filter for all of the information that YOU want. Follow whoever or whatever organization you want, and they are filtered directly to you from the muck of mass information overflow out there.

In closing, my band Red Orange performed last Friday night. It was a great experience, and we’re just a band in its baby stage, but it was good fun. Great for a first show.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Here we go. I’m needing a place to store all of my favorite things to say on people’s Facebook walls or comments. These are in no particular order of quality or fun. The only explanation for why I can’t stop posting the following on people’s walls is that I’ve had a recent fascination with incoherence in general.

-pun intended
-Thou shalt NOT… .
-At last.
(Keep your eyes open for more)

Your job is to find the right context for this stuff. It's surprising how entertaining it is to post these kinds of responses on the Facebook.com. If you really want to have some fun, drop the nouns out of your sentences with no pause when speaking to others.

Ex: Oh man! Did you see the way they looked after we jumped over the (missing noun) though? I mean it wasn't like we asked where the (missing noun) was, but they could have been a little nicer at least!

Go ahead and read that example out loud. You can even memorize it and say it to someone. They might even respond as if you've said a real sentence. Just, please, leave out the noun.

Look what I made over break! 

Apparently they were all making faces like mine, so I made their faces like mine.



Sunday, January 2, 2011

Spoiler Alert, Bro.

No- don't worry, there won't be any spoilers in this comment. Actually- I won't make you any promises, in fact I think there may be a spoiler.
Apparently a few weeks ago I gave away, what to my good friend Kyle, was a key piece of information to something that he hadn't yet seen or heard. I spoiled it for him. He was upset because I hadn't given him a spoiler alert. In fact, I think his exact words were, "Spoiler alert bro?! Where was the spoiler alert?"
Me typing this just made me realize something aside from the fact that I want to find opportunities to say "Spoiler alert" and "Spoiler alert bro". What I just realized is that I've been using the word "bro" in a lot of Facebook commenting lately.
"Bro" has apparently entered into my vocabulary. If saying the word makes me any more like a Bro than I already am, then I'll just believe that it makes me more well rounded, and probably more well toned. The truth is, I'm really just upset that I missed Brovember.
I had a missed opportunity to say spoiler alert the other day. Another dear friend, Ben, gave away something that to him was an unimportant and irrelevant detail for the film "Tron: Legacy", newly released in theaters. My heart tightened as he casually spit out the minute detail. I think I even made some sort of noise hoping he wouldn't say anymore. He must have heard me, because the subject changed. Where was the spoiler alert, Ben?

Tron wasn't bad. I enjoy being cheaply entertained sometimes. I got what I expected.
I'm on the fence right now on the issue of getting a minor in either Political Science or Visual Arts. Really- by visual arts I mean graphic design. I'm too tired to explain the details, but the whole issue is that both can benefit me in future job opportunities and enjoyment. I just can't tell which would benefit me more as a minor. 

I'm leaning towards graphic design, and I might fall off the fence to that side quickly if nobody intervenes. If you have an opinion, let it be known! I'll take any spoiler on my future if you think it would do me good.

Here's the album art for a "double" that Thomas Huerta and I made. We decided to call it a double considering it only has two songs.

Goodnight, bro.
Additions to myself: "Spoiler alert", "Bro", A Poem

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Things I’d Like to Say and the Things I’m Saying

I’ve given my blog this title to explain what I might write about a little. I’m so compulsive sometimes. I’m reading “The Catcher in the Rye” right now. I literally put the book down, temporarily, about thirty seconds ago to write this. I don’t know why. The main character/narrator in the book keeps calling other characters “prince”. It’s cute- and condescending, when he does it.

I don’t say that, or call people that, but I think I’d like to. If you hear me call you a prince you’re probably a male, and I probably think you’re a real pal. If I don’t though, it doesn’t mean you don’t fit into either of the aforementioned categories.

I’ve realized recently that I keep writing things down that I want to start saying in conversations with people. Maybe I’ll post on here every time I find another catch phrase or word to add to my small arsenal of quips. It’s my way of deceiving people into thinking I’m witty. I wouldn’t say I’m as witty as I am well-rehearsed. It’s just that I’ve gotten good at recognizing situations where any one of my five jokes fits nicely.

I bought a red jacket the other day. It's kind of a track jacket. I put on one of my little brother's baseball caps that evening when he and I went to the bookstore. I spent about ten minutes debating as to whether or not I would wear the cap normally or backwards.

I never wear baseball caps. I think I'll start though, and I think I'll do the following when I wear them, because this is what I finally settled on before leaving the house. I will always wear my baseball caps forward, and upon initiating a conversation with someone I know, I will reverse the cap into backwards hat position. At the end of the conversation, as if to cue that I'm finished, I will return the cap to the normal forward position. That's the plan. I'd like to find a nice cap for my red jacket.

I started a blog on wordpress.com about a month and a half ago, but I really limited myself by giving myself a kind of set topic. I wanted to write about political and international issues. The problem was, I found myself writing essays every time I tried to write something post-worthy. This resulted in me realizing I don’t yet know what I’m talking about with international or political issues. I do have opinions and thoughts though.

So I’m going to think of this as a journal where I write what I’m saying IRL (in real life), as well as the things I’d like to say if only they gave me the chance. But once I know what I’d like to say, I know I’ll find the chance.

Here’s a picture of my family and I.

Happy New Year.

Additions To Myself: "Prince", Baseball Cap, New Blog